What a week! Let´s get right to it. . .
Joaquin got baptized!! It was so awesome! Even though NOBODY
from the ward came, it was still awesome. And they missed out. Literally only
the 4 people who were assigned to do stuff in the program showed up. Pretty
sad. I was pretty upset for at first, but it was still something really special
to see Joaquin baptized. And Emilia was able to come, so that was super cool.
In fact, thinking about it right now, maybe it was better there weren´t many
people there because she gets really dizzy and upset when there´s a lot of
noise and people. Maybe that was one of those blessings in disguise.
Interesting. . .
As part of the baptism we did a special musical number. My
companion played the violin, Elder Alhouvori played the recorder and Elder
Alvarez and I and the Hermanas sang. We did "Divina luz" which is
Lead Kindly Light in Spanish and it´s about a million times better in my opinion.
It´s one of my favorites in Spanish. Sadly I can´t attach it. You´ll have to
watch it some other time. Sorry. :P
Actually I lied before, Juan was also there. He was an angel
at the baptism! He is the person most excited to see Joaquin baptized, maybe
even more than us. He also did the confirmation yesterday, which was a great
experience. You could tell how happy and excited Joaquin was when
everyone raised their hand to support him. After sacrament meeting there were a
few people who were asking about him too, so that was good. He has made some
serious changes in his life and even right before his baptism he had to face
some serious temptations, but he did it! Super happy for him!
With Joaquin being baptized, we are basically left without investigators. I knew that was going to
happen so I´ve been a little worried, but on Sunday miracles happened.
Fernando, the husband of Caty, a member we´ve been visiting, showed up to
church. He´s not a member and we´ve been working with Caty to try to be able to
teach him, and all of a sudden there he was in church! It was amazing to see
their whole family sitting together in sacrament meeting! They have 3 kids, 2
of whom are old enough to be baptized too, but he hasn´t given his permission.
Yet. . . I am so stoked to start working with them. He is a super nice guy and
I really feel like now is his time. Then we also had an old investigator,
Jennifer, that my companion taught before I got here, come to church with a member
family. That was awesome too! The mother of the family went to go pick her up
and everything, all on her own. We didn´t set up any of this! And now we have a
lesson with her on Tuesday. And one on Thursday with Caty and her family. So
the future is looking bright. Yesterday was the boost I needed. For a little
while I wasn´t sure how we were going to keep going, but now I´m excited for
this week.
I had an interesting experience in church on Sunday. I was
sitting in sacrament meeting thinking about all those people who
are having trouble and I just felt inadequate. I thought, how can I handle all
these people´s problems. I felt like the pain was more than I could take.
And then I thought about the Lord and how He feels that, but for everyone! And
for a moment I wondered how He could be happy feeling all that, all the time.
And then my companion leaned over and said "Fernando just came in!" I
couldn´t believe it. Then I thought: Now I get it. He feels all that hurt for
the wrong choices, but also feels this incredible joy when His children step up
and make good choices. Humans are interesting creatures. So often we fall below
our expectations and yet at the same time, we so often surpass them in
incredible ways.
I think that´s it for the news. I´ve been District Leader here
for about 4 weeks (whenever the transfer started) and it´s going awesome! I
really like it. We have an amazing district here (again! you remember how great
b5 was? I don´t know how that happens.). We are 6 Elders and 2 Hermanas.
Actually Hermana Hone I was with in B5 for a little while. Small world. She is
the Sister Leader for the Zone and is training Hermana Pavez. She is Argentine
but lives in Malaga in the south of Spain (speaking of which I want to go see
the south SO badly! It looks amazing!) She has a very interesting accent. Elder
Alvarez is one of the Zone leaders here (lots of leaders in our district) and
is from Chile. We live with him and his companion Elder Alhouvouri (I´m sure I
spelled that wrong) from Finland. They are both good missionaries and we all
get along really well. Then there is Elder Moreland from Orange County (pijo!)
and Elder Collazos from Peru, but lives in Bilbao (north of Spain. País Vasco
actually. (Basque I think you say in English.)). Also your letter came from
Elder Rockwood, President just signs it. I would know. You remember when I accidentally sent that one letter about me going home? :P
Still feeling a little sick. I´ve had a cold for like 3
weeks now. Weird. Just so you know, I plan on sleeping for like 3 days straight
when I get home. Haha. I haven´t used Grandpa´s money yet, but we are planning
on going to the zoo next week and that should be just about right to get me in.
:) Ha ha, you have to send me Erin´s movie when it´s done! That sounds
Well, I better go. Thanks for reading and again for all you
do. I love hearing from you and about everything you´re up to. Thanks for all
your love and support. I know I can always count on you guys. I love and think
about you often. Take care this week.
Elder Cousins
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