Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 24, 2013

Hi everybody!

I hope you all had a wonderful week! We´ve had a pretty good one here. We haven´t had as much work in the office so we´ve been out in lessons and in the street quite a bit. We did 3 or 4 solid hours of contacting on Saturday and on Sunday, which was fun. It´s pretty sad how out of shape I´ve gotten. It´s been awhile since my feet hurt. But it felt good. I love being out on the street with the people. We also had a first lesson with a new investigator on Friday. Her name is Estefenia (Stephanie), she is from Ecuador but lived in Israel for 11 years, which is pretty cool. We taught really well, I felt, and she seemed at ease and committed to start praying everyday. We invited her to church and I really thought she was going to come, but she didn´t show. That´s alright though, I´m just super excited to have someone new to teach! 

I may have made a mistake in one my emails. Belen is scheduled to get baptized the 20 of July. But we are most likely going to change that since the Bishopric is now letting us baptize on a few other days of the month. He decided that the 12 baptisms we have planned between the 3 companionships would be too much for one day. So we need to talk to Belen and hopefully she will be baptized sooner. She is on vacation right now, so we´ve been sending her texts and we called her on Saturday, but this week she´ll be back and we can start meeting again.

Those are pretty much the highlights from the week. We need to find more people still. Another huge highlight from the week was my half birthday! :D Thank you so much for all the mail! That was so nice to get a bunch of letters, and they were so nice too. Thanks for making my week, you guys are the best! 

Thanks for the pictures! Those mountains are gorgeous! The warm weather has been making me want to go hiking too. That loop from Battle Creek to the top of Baldy and down Dry Creek is one of my favorite hikes. Did you guys go up to the top? Haha, everyone here is saying that Erin looks just like me! I never noticed that we looked so similar. 

How was the special broadcast? We are going to watch it next Sunday. Sounds like it will be really good for the members to hear. We´ve actually been really emphasizing that members have a responsibility to do missionary work in all of our visits with members and recent converts lately, so that will go nicely with what we´ve been teaching.

Well, I´ve got to go. Thank you again for all you do, for your love and support and for all the mail this week. You guys are the best!! I hope everything goes well with Sarah´s test and with your classes, Dad. I hope everybody has an awesome week!! I love you!!

Elder Cousins

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